
Ultracarbon® is a 100% carbon-based agent used to alleviate digestive complaints and to detoxify the intestinal tract.

Activated vegetable carbon is obtained by treating vegetable carbon with extreme temperatures (600-1000°C) in a two-step process, once without oxygen and once with the presence of oxygen and steam.

This activation process results in a distinctive interconnected series of porous structures inside the vegetable carbon which greatly enlarges the surface area of the vegetable carbon 10 folds, giving it its characteristic ability to effectively adsorb various toxic organic chemicals.

The carbon in Ultracarbon® adsorbs. 

The chemical process of absorption is commonly compared to a sponge soaking up water. The water is fully integrated into the sponge, not being limited to the surface area.

In contrast, adsorption is a process whereby molecules stick to the surface area only. In the case of activated carbon – with its large surface area – the unwanted substance stick to the surface area of the carbon particles until they are excreted.

Ultracarbon® contains 100% natural ingredients and is therefore considered as a very safe and well-tolerated product, if taken in the recommended dosage. Side effects are mostly associated with overdose and may include:


  • Constipation
  • Black stool due to staining from the carbon component 

If you realize any unusual conditions make sure to consult a doctor.

Ultracarbon® administration should last until bowel functions return to normal and functional digestive symptoms subside.

If your symptoms persist and you do not feel any better after 3 days, please consult your healthcare practitioner.

Ultracarbon® can be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

Children from 1 year can take Ultracarbon®.  For further information on dosage, please refer to the package leaflet.

Due to Ultracarbon® adsorbing properties, the following actions may occur: 

  • Activated carbon can reduce the effect of medicaments through its high adsorption power.
  • As activated carbon hinders the systemic absorption of numerous drugs at least partially, it could decrease the bioavailability of these drugs.
  • Ultracarbon® can interact with oral contraceptives. When administered 3 hours after and at least 12 hours before pill intake, it can be used to treat diarrhea in women taking oral contraceptives.
  • Ultracarbon® tablets are generally well tolerated. Higher dosage or long-time administration may cause constipation and intestinal obstruction requiring the administration of a laxative.

Due to Ultracarbon®’s highly adsorbent qualities, the effects of other pharmaceutical products may be reduced if taken together with Ultracarbon®

Oral anti-diabetic drugs as well as cardiac drugs should be taken at least 2 hours before taking Ultracarbon®.
Any other kind of medicine should be taken at least 1 hour before Ultracarbon® tablets are taken.

Oral contraceptives/ovulation inhibitors may also be reduced in their effects so that it might be necessary to use an additional form of contraception after taking Ultracarbon®.

If any uncertainties regarding the use and potential drug interactions of Ultracarbon® occur, please ask your pharmacist or contact your doctor.